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Say goodbye to lost bookmarks and missed opportunities – with Memoria, you can effortlessly schedule reminders to revisit your favorite online destinations.

Get it now. It's Free

Say goodbye to lost bookmarks and missed opportunities – with Memoria, you can effortlessly schedule reminders to revisit your favorite online destinations.

Get it now. It's Free

Say goodbye to lost bookmarks and missed opportunities – with Memoria, you can effortlessly schedule reminders to revisit your favorite online destinations.

Get it now. It's Free

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Seamless Integration

Memoria seamlessly integrates with your browser, allowing you to set reminders directly from your bookmarks with just a few clicks.

Memoria seamlessly integrates with your browser, allowing you to set reminders directly from your bookmarks with just a few clicks.

Install Memoria

Google Calendar Sync

Google Calendar Sync

Google Calendar Sync

Sync your Memoria reminders with Google Calendar, ensuring you never miss an important revisit date again.

Sync your Memoria reminders with Google Calendar, ensuring you never miss an important revisit date again.

Sync your Memoria reminders with Google Calendar, ensuring you never miss an important revisit date again.

Install Memoria

Customizable Reminders

Customizable Reminders

Customizable Reminders

Tailor your reminders to fit your unique schedule and preferences. Whether it's a daily check-in or a one-time reminder, Memoria has you covered.

Tailor your reminders to fit your unique schedule and preferences. Whether it's a daily check-in or a one-time reminder, Memoria has you covered.

Tailor your reminders to fit your unique schedule and preferences. Whether it's a daily check-in or a one-time reminder, Memoria has you covered.

Install Memoria

What people say about memoria

Dan Kat


oooh woow!




Someone else



I keep forgetting my bookmarks. this is pretty useful.

Get memoria today. it's free

Get memoria today. it's free

Get memoria today. it's free

© Memoria. 2024